Monday, February 20, 2017

Re-inventing A Life

Well... we made it! We have traveled close to 3,000 miles from the mountains of Central California to the rolling hills of Tallahassee Florida, and are settling nicely into our new lives. For those of you who were disconnected from us during this process, let me catch you up on the details of our new adventure. It all began with a thought... What are we doing here?!?

Jeff and I spend a lot of time running ideas, thoughts and speculations past each other. One day we were looking back over our recent past and began to question where we were going. Our daughter Tiffany, who had consumed so much of our time and energy for the past 30 years, was no longer with us. In fact, she had been gone for more than 2 years, yet our lives really hadn't really changed much. We were so in the habit of our everyday existence that we were beginning to let time just slip by unnoticed. That's when we asked the question, "What are we doing here?!?"

I believe that every adventure begins with a compelling thought. Questions like, "Are there better opportunities over seas in America?" "Is finding gold in California worth the risk of exploring unknown territory?" "What do you suppose lies beyond our atmosphere?" These are all ideas that crossed the minds of those unique individuals with pioneering hearts. That is one thing Jeff and I have in common. We are both pioneers, not settlers.  For us, to risk the unknown is worth every moment. We love seeing what's just beyond the next ridge, and what opportunities will present new ways for us to become creative conquerors. We will not become status quo and fade away quietly. We want to boldly move forward and make the most of the second half of our lives.

So, that's where it all started.

Next began a journey with God regarding purpose and destiny. I love that God is very creative with His answers. Just because He said, "Turn left," the last time we spoke doesn't mean He will respond the same way in our next conversation. Jeff began asking God the question, "Where should we go?" The answer was clear, "Where would you like to go? I will be there!" Jeff felt like his heart was being drawn to the South and he began applying for jobs meeting that criteria.

For me, I spent time with God like a child would her Daddy. I would just ask if I could crawl up in His lap and watch what He was about to do. It was a very precious time. God would gently show me things from His perspective that I couldn't see from my own. He pointed out all the needs He had met for me and the ones He was now meeting for Jeff. Our time together made me realize that I had no agenda in this next chapter. I was just excited to be along for the ride.

Time passed slowly as work in Auberry came to a close. We began consolidating our possessions and purging all the "junk" we had managed to accumulate. Our kids, Jimmy and Cody, were a great help to us in this process. They suggested we create three piles: One to keep, one to sell, and one to give away. They advised us to go through the piles weekly, moving more and more items from the first pile into one of the other two. This was the best advice ever! In the end, all we owned fit easily into a tiny U-haul trailer, making it easy to travel from one side of the nation to the other. Jeff eventually received three job offers and chose to accept a teaching position at a re-entry center close to Tallahassee, Florida. Our destination now became clear.

Selling Abu Peak was the biggest hurdle we faced. We received an "all cash" offer within the first 10 days, but it fell out of escrow when the buyers realized they couldn't face living in a home where someone had died. They had no idea how special that moment had been for us with Tiffany. Whatever fear they were dealing with had stolen their dream from them. This also created obstacles in our adventure, but none of it surprised God. So in the late afternoon on January 28, tired from packing and battling bronchitis, we set off to parts unknown.

Here I sit, three weeks later, in a small apartment in the city of Tallahassee, sharing my story with you. The travel was fun. Finding a place to land, not so much. Exploring our new area and dreaming of creative things to do together... priceless! We still have no idea how God will use us in this area, but we cling to His promise to do so. Abu Peak still hasn't sold, but it will. For now we're just two, happy, middle aged people feeling energized like a couple of college kids setting out to conquer the world... together.


  1. I love reading it again, and I have pictures in my head that illustrate some of the things you said. We have a painting that is titles "are we there yet" it was donated to sell for Travis, and given to us when it didn't get done in time(that title means everything). When you asked Tori to do the painting for you, I had an image in my head, still there, but I don't paint, so someday maybe I'll figure out how to put it down is the hill you spoke of, and being drawn over it. (In my picture Tif is running over it away from us with wildflowers in her hand). I am amazed by your resilience, and not too....God has you! Even though you have arrived, your journey is still on, you have not arrived! :-)

    1. I love the visions you get from Daddy/God. You paint with your words so I can see it too.

  2. Love and miss you two soooo much, but much more excited for you and the future of adventure that you are following. Poppa loves your hearts and is faithful to meet your every need. Your story is such an encouragement to so many. Live long and prosper in His presence. Blessings shower upon you.


The Joy of Being "Known"

 Yesterday, I received a cheesy gold frame in the mail. It was in an Amazon box, but there was no packing slip or information as to who may ...