Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Importance of Testimony

When and where do we get to share the testimony of all God is doing? These are the stories that bring life to the tasks set before us. These are the seeds that grow faith in others. The examples of what God is willing to do again and again.

Last night, Jeff and I got to serve with some amazing people. We were asked to form a prayer team to minister at a worship night the young adults were putting together at our church. The group leading was made up of people in their late teens and early 20's. Since there is no Junior Holy Spirit, it was easy for me to get up under their leadership. Learning to serve whomever Jesus raises up is key to being part of the adventure.

The music was amazing. The stories shared between sets were raw and vulnerable. The atmosphere had been strategically set for Jesus to move. This is the place when The Father's love is thick and Holy Spirit draws on the hearts of those who are ready. I love not only participating, at times like these, but I also enjoy watching all that's going on as you see The Spirit move in and out of the crowd. This is what it looked like:

In the front, near the stage, kids were unashamedly worshiping. They didn't care what they looked like. There was no one there to tell them they were doing it "wrong" (lol). This must have been how David appeared as he worshiped daily before God. In the middle of the church, one young lady was reaching over the chairs to lay hands on a man in the next row back. His friends joined in on the prayer. Up in the crow's nest, where the behind the scenes crew hangs out, a man was comforting a boy who had just lost his own father. Laughter and tears were everywhere and the music continued.

As for me, I was approached by two boys who came up for prayer together. They looked to be about high school age. I almost missed them because I was moving to the other side of the room at the time. We have to keep our eyes open for these kinds of opportunities. I thought it odd that they would come up together. It is my experience that boys, especially this age, tend to be private if they are wanting to become vulnerable. Instead of questioning it, I just asked Holy Spirit where he was going to go in this situation. One boy began to share, "I just need 'change' in my life." He wasn't specific. The other boy said that he felt stuck in some things he couldn't seem to break through. This is how it begins. I tuned into see what Holy Spirit was showing me behind what the boys are saying. Now I knew where to begin.

I asked the boys if they were Christians. Had they allowed Jesus to come in and become part of their lives. They both answered an emphatic, "Yes!" Now I knew that this was going to be fun. "I'm going to do something a little different," I began to share with them, "I'm going to activate the two of you so you can pray for others." I had one lay his hands on the other while I followed Holy Spirit's lead. When this happened, I saw a whole plan laid out for this young man. Heaven had a lot in store, so I prayed that a spot light would be shined directly on him. Tears began to stream down his cheeks. I continued to share all I saw as I drew on heaven's "movie" I saw streaming his future. I reminded him that David was able to fight Goliath because he held on to God's promise that he would one day be king. This boy cried harder as he grasped his new hope and future.

When the roles were reversed and it was time to pray for the other boy, I felt that the thing keeping him "stuck" had to do with his family. I asked the first boy to place his hand on the back of the other boy's neck, right where it connects to the back. This is where our past seems to hang out, so that's where we went in. As I reminded this boy of all Jesus did on the cross, I was able to begin declaring that all his past has been crucified with Christ. He didn't have to be held back by anything that may have been passed down from one generation to the next. The boy got excited. We continued on wherever I felt Holy Spirit was taking us. In the end, I had one boy crying over God's goodness and one jumping for joy. Jesus does what he wants to do. It doesn't have to line up with my logic or reasoning. I just remain open and listen carefully for my role in the partnership. Who wouldn't want to be part of that?!?

Both boys left knowing that they now had a new promise and new assignments. They were activated into being able to pray for others on their journeys. This is how we grow people up in the kingdom. This is what Christianity gets to looks like... people loving on people and hope restored. I'd love to hear your testimonies so we can continue to pass out these seeds of faith.

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