Friday, October 19, 2018


I often get to visit with people who are confused about the three persons of The Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Usually, they fall into two categories: 1) They are afraid one one of them and therefore choose to ignore it. 2) They are worried that one is getting more credit than the other. I was contemplating this dilemma this morning as I prepared for work.

The thought occurred to me... My husband refers to me in different manners. He calls me "Babe" when he's talking to me as a husband or lover. He calls me "Mom" when it's something involving the kids or they are around. He calls me "Tam" when we're in business or ministry mode. Every time he uses one of those names, I know he's addressing me by the trait he needs to draw from. He is never confused or afraid of any of the above terms, and often makes up other names as needed. This is endearing. It's also a great way to communicate. I know what part of me he needs at any given moment. I am still me.

I wonder if it's the same for God. He is three in one, yet three very distinct parts. I don't think He gets offended if we use one name more than another. I love that each name has something I need desperately. He is God the Father: Creator, provider, protector and the one who gives and builds up my identity. He is God the Son: The only way to His heart, Lover, Friend, Confidant. He is God the Holy Spirit: My counselor, comforter and source of all His fruit. I refer to the part of Him I am in need of when I talk to Him.

Today, be aware of Trinity. Explore what He's saying to you about Himself. Encounter the freedom of intimacy with Him and let Him share with you his revelatory treasures.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

How To Be An Influence

I recently heard the phrase, "Tapping the rudder," used to describe the means of which you slowly turn a huge vessel so that it moves in a new direction. This phrase often bothers me, not because it isn't true, but because I realize that the process is slow. When I feel a change is needed, I'm all about "repentance" which means to change the way you think... immediately.

A friend of mine reminded me, today, that I am a seed. I had posted the following illustration on Facebook:

She reminded me that I have already had a living, breathing example of this happening in my own life:

When we first moved to Abu Peak Ranch, this tree was a tiny plant, not unlike the one pictured above. Years went by. We didn't notice the work that was happening inside the rock. We only saw the tree as it grew. One day, years later, the roots of the tree had gone so deep that it broke the rock. The piece that fell off is visible in this picture.

This is how we influence. We let God plant us in the places He wants us. Then we grow. We allow him to water and feed us as we go "deep". We don't push and pull, we just grow. The slow and steady work, He does, causes the hardest of rocks to break... eventually.

Hurricane Milton

 Today is a beautiful day in Central Florida. We've had several days of gentle rain, but today the sun is shining and all is right in th...